We are so excited to welcome our new and returning students on Monday August 22, 2022 with an open house! From 5:00-7:00 pm feel free to come meet your teachers, tour the school and drop off school supplies. If you have any questions please call or email the elementary/secondary offices. See you all soon!
We are hiring!!!
Apply on our website www.shoshonischools.org Employment Opportunities
SJH and Youth Football Equipment Checkout - Wednesday Aug. 17 and Thursday Aug. 18 - 5-7pm at the SHS Equipment Room.
SJH and Youth Football Practice starts Monday Aug. 22 - 3:45-5:30pm
Hello Wrangler Fans,
A calendar view and a specific sport listing view of the school and sports schedule can be viewed HERE. These will be added to the school's Google Calendar in the coming weeks.
Also, more Youth volleyball, girls basketball and boys basketball games will be added!! There has been a large turnover of athletic directors in the state and most 1A/2A AD's are not on contract in the summer so I'll continue to reach out to them as we get closer to the start of school in August.
New Student Registration
August 3rd and 4th from 9am to 3pm
Budget Work Session to discuss the school lunch program.
Monday, August 8th, 2022 at 5:30 pm in the boardroom.
Open to the public.
We are hiring! Check out some of our open positions.
Click Employment Opportunities at the top of the page.
Fremont County BOCES is offering substitute teacher certification classes August 8-11 and November 1-4 from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm. Please see flyer for more details.
We are also hiring substitutes for bus driving, kitchen, custodial and daycare.
Let's congratulate Mrs. Gilbertson on receiving the Wyoming School Resource Officer Administrator of the Year! A few words used to describe her for this award were drive, determination, commitment to excellence, a wonderful person and role model. We are SO proud of her and thankful she is a WRANGLER! Thanks to Officer Myers for recognizing what a gem we have!
Fremont County School District #24 Regular Meeting - 5:30 PM
Monday, July 18, 2022
Agenda: http://go.boarddocs.com/wy/fcsd24/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=CFM65X13537F
Have a great weekend!
Board Meeting
Monday, June 20, 2022
5:30 PM
Agenda - http://go.boarddocs.com/wy/fcsd24/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=C92R2G6A50EA
Have a great summer. We will see you in August.
The third graders worked in small groups to create math games using the concepts they learned this year.
Third Graders collected donations for the Paws for Life animal shelter as their community service project
Third grade students learned about weather and climate during the fourth quarter. They made posters and gave presentations on the weather phenomena they researched.
Hello Wrangler Fans,
The State Track participants not only battled the top competition in 2A but also freezing temperatures, snow, rain and wind. Please congratulate the state participants and coaches for their efforts this season!!
If you missed graduation, use this link: https://youtu.be/aTLp0P3A_NU to view the farewell to the Class of 2022. Thank you to Travis Gupton and WyoToday for live streaming the event.
We have reached the final week of the 2021-2022 school year. There is a lot of information for each day this week, please continue to read below:
Monday, May 23: F day (periods 5-2)
Students will check in laptops to Mr. Smith and Mr. Highsmith
School Year check out sheets will be given to students during session 1
Tuesday, May 24: G day (periods 3-7)
JH/Y Boys' Basketball, JH/Y Track and HS Track Sports Banquet at 6pm in the commons (Dominos Pizza will be provided)
Wednesday, May 25: A day (periods 1-5)
Elementary Field Day from 8-11am on the football field
Secondary grades posted in InfiniteCampus by the end of the day
Thursday, May 26: **Last Day of School for PreK-11th grade students...1:33pm Release**
Secondary fun and games day (Ping Pong, Main Gym, Aux Gym, Movie option 1, Movie option 2, Video Games, Softball, HS STEM, JH STEM)
Friday, May 27:
Staff PD and check out
Parents & Guardians:
We have been fortunate enough to offer free breakfast/lunch meals for your student(s) over the last two years. Unfortunately, this upcoming school year (2022-2023) that service will not be available through the national lunch program. We will, however, offer free/reduced meals if your child qualifies.
Please keep an eye out in August for a letter explaining more details and how your child could qualify for free/reduced meals. We hope you have a wonderful summer and see you in the fall! If you have any questions or concerns please contact Lesa Ladner.
The first graders had a great day at the Riverton Public Library and Jaycee Park. Thanks to the Wyoming Reads program, each student received a book of their choice. They spent the afternoon on a nature walk and reading at the park.
We are hiring substitutes!
For classroom substitute classes see the attached flyer from Fremont County Boces for summer classes.
For all other departments, complete the application here: https://www.applitrack.com/fremont24/onlineapp/
We are looking for people to add to our team!
Apply: https://www.applitrack.com/fremont24/onlineapp/